Our services
The ETCC focus is on offering services that contribute to sustainable solutions from a local and global perspective. The European Training Centre Copenhagen is organized as a network organization cooperating with Danish and international key-specialists in order to ensure the most updated and best-practice based training on our seminars and workshops. The main aim of European Training Centre Copenhagen is to provide exceptional training courses, seminars, and project activities that enable individuals and organizations worldwide to excel in their respective fields. Our projects are focused on empowering local communities, start-ups, entrepreneurships, unemployment persons or scholar facilitators with the aim to create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that fosters collaboration, creativity, and continuous growth.

We employ state-of-the-art impactful training solutions and techniques to help our clients navigate and understand the complex and ever-changing global landscape.
We are ready to be recognized as a trusted partner. Our responsibility is to stimulate positive change, driving innovation and excellence across all industries and sectors.
30 years of experience is at the core of our company identity. European Training Centre Copenhagen has expertise from working with the EU programs in both Denmark, Scandinavia, new and old member states as well.
ETCC develops seminars, workshops and training courses based on the newest knowledge related to the E.U. Structural and Cohesion Funds and European development programs.